Mahua Mushroom Biscuit


₹45.00 ₹50.00

Inclusive of all taxes

The food of the Indian state of Jharkhand is known as Jharkhandi cuisine. Rice, dal, and vegetables are staple diets in Jharkhand. Vegetables are frequently used in everyday meals and are prepared in a variety of ways, including curried, fried, roasted, and boiling. Many of Jharkhand's traditional foods may not be available in restaurants. However, a visit to a nearby hamlet can provide an opportunity to sample such uncommon foods. Although pickles and festive foods may have such characteristics, certain dish preparations may be moderate with low oil and spice levels.

Width(in) Height(in) Length(in) Weight(gm) Volume(ml) Material Color
- - - 1 - Mahua Mushrrom Biskit Yellow
Store :
TRTI Maharashtra
Availibility :
  In Stock