Mahua Kodada Mushroom Cookies


₹180.00 ₹200.00

Inclusive of all taxes

Objective Conduct a survey of edible wild fruits' common names, traditional uses, and cultural significance in several municipalities of Benguet, Cordillera administrative region. Methods From June 2011 to July 2013, 176 key informants were interviewed using questionnaires, including barangay leaders and indigenous people. Results A total of 36 fruit species were discovered in Benguet's several municipalities. These fruit species are divided into 20 families and 27 genera. Kibungan has the highest number of species among Benguet's 13 municipalities. Food (snack/dessert/table food), forage (particularly for birds, monkeys, and wild animals such as cloud rats and grass eaters), offertory, processed/preserved (as jam, jellies, candies, juice, and wine), condiment, and offertory are some of the various applications of wild fruits.

Width(in) Height(in) Length(in) Weight(gm) Volume(ml) Material Color
- - - 250 - Mahua Flowers White
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